Archive for the 'Stats' Category

Alien Artifacts: The Cosmic Thimble

« 6 September 2014 | 18:44 | Earth-Omega Setting, Invulnerable RPG, Stats | No Comments »

Super hero stories are full of all-powerful Maguffins that can’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands … and inevitably do. It’s not much fun to say, “the bad guy got the thing, game over” in a roleplaying game, so it might be fun to have some rules for the thing. And while we’re […]

d30 Mutation Table for 5E and OSR

« 30 August 2014 | 10:27 | D&D 5E RPG, Old School Gaming, Stats | No Comments »

Every world can use Mutation Tables. Mutations can result from Sorcerers’ wild magic, they can be the dangerous inhabitants of a world after a nuclear holocaust, or they can be the results of magical experiments gone wrong. Roll 1d30 twice for each Mutant, to see what strange mutations they exhibit. Edit 18 April 2015: The […]

Robot Race for D&D 5E

« 16 August 2014 | 8:43 | D&D 5E RPG, Races, Stats | No Comments »

Robots are artificial beings constructed by advanced civilizations to do work judged too boring or too dangerous for fleshthings. Robots sometimes find their way to low-tech, high-magic worlds when their alien ships crash, while others wander in through portals. Others are leftover artifacts of some lost, ancient, high-tech civilization from millennia ago. Most robots are […]

More 5E Space Stuff

« 19 July 2014 | 8:19 | D&D 5E RPG, Stats | No Comments »

Glop Grenades: Damage: 1 bludgeoning (but see notes), 1 lb., Range: 25/70. Notes: Three adjacent targets need to make Dexterity saving throws vs. DC 15 or suffer the Restrained condition for 1d6+2 rounds. Gauss Pistols: Damage 1d6 lightening, 2 lbs., Range 30/120. Targets are treated as having AC 10 + Dex bonus. If the target […]

Noodling with some 5E stuff

« 14 July 2014 | 22:52 | D&D 5E RPG, Stats | No Comments »

I was a hard sell on D&D Next. After 4th Edition, I had basically written off D&D. I was pretty sure Wizards had completely lost their way. Turns out I was wrong. They were smart enough to listen to the fans. After perusing some playtest materials about a week before the Basic Set dropped, I […]


« 21 April 2014 | 8:37 | Errata, Invulnerable RPG | No Comments »

Since the forums closed, I posted that future errata will be here on the blog. Change of plans! Future errata will be in these Google Docs pages. Invulnerable RPG: Vigilante Edition Errata: Dauntless Sourcebook: Year One Edition Errata: Again, if you see any errata, please send them to me at jkubliATimperfekt-industreesDOTcom. Thanks!

Minor Race Packages for Invulnerable

« 5 April 2014 | 9:57 | Earth-Omega Setting, Invulnerable RPG, Races, Stats | No Comments »

The standard Invulnerable rules assume that the aliens we care most about are the ones with superhuman powers; the kind of powers that make them full-on heroes. But what about settings where aliens are nothing special, and many aren’t particularly powerful? Races with an abundance of “minor races”? This is where Race Packages are useful. […]

Capsule Mooks for Invulnerable

« 15 March 2014 | 9:53 | Invulnerable RPG, Stats | No Comments »

One thing I’ve grown to appreciate, as I run more OSR games, is now nice it is to be able to quickly generate simple bad guys and monsters. Along those lines, enjoy quick and easy villains for Invulnerable! About Capsule Mooks “Capsule Mooks” are treated like other Mooks, but their stats are much simpler, and […]

Starships for Invulnerable

« 25 February 2014 | 9:36 | Invulnerable RPG, Stats | No Comments »

Inspired by the new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy (and who wouldn’t be?), here are some starships for your Invulnerable Campaign! This blog post will also talk a little about how starship technology affects a space-based setting, and adds a few new weapons for spacecraft. These stats were created using Vigilante Edition, but should […]

New Power Modifiers for Invulnerable: Vigilante Edition!

« 16 February 2014 | 22:22 | Invulnerable RPG, Stats | No Comments »

Invulnerable RPG: Vigilante Edition is off to Chronicle City for review before printing! Invulnerable allows you to quickly generate versatile heroes by choosing a number of Power Enhancements, or to roll up your sleeves and tinker, choosing Power Modifiers to get Powers that work the way you want. Here are some new Power Enhancements, special for […]