So, I agreed to do a review of ‘Toys for the Sandbox #4 Hermit’s Island.’ This books is by Quinn A. Conklin, also known as the artist for ‘Homicidal Transients,’ with cover art by Rodney Ruppert II, published by Occult Moon. It’s a 4-page landscape PDF; the first page is cover art. The second page […]
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Review: ‘Toys for the Sandbox #4: Hermit’s Island’
« 30 January 2012 | 16:33 | Uncategorized | No Comments »First Post
« 23 June 2011 | 5:10 | Uncategorized | No Comments »This is Invulnerablog, where you’ll hear the latest about Imperfekt Gammes’ products like the Invulnerable RPG, and other games using the Cosmology Engine. I may post here occasionally about game design, life, food, movies, or other stuff that may be of tangential interest.