The Cosmic Cutthroats RPG is now available on! Only $9.99 for 440 pages of multi-genre, dimension-hopping wonder and weirdness! Get yours now!
The Wait is Over!
4 June 2020 | 14:15 | Cosmic Cutthroats, Earth-Omega Setting, Other Games, Uru Ulan Setting | No CommentsAgainst Hatred
20 February 2020 | 7:46 | Ponderings | No CommentsA quick post this time. This sort of thing shouldn’t be necessary, but this is the world we live in now (and in particular, the nation I live in now). I believe that racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-semitism, and bigotry of any kind have absolutely no place in our hobby. Imperfekt Gammes has been proud […]
Metagene Super Hero RPG Sale
10 November 2019 | 9:18 | Metagene | No CommentsFor my birthday, and as an early giving-of-thanks to everyone, Metagene Super Hero RPG, a 229 page, rules-light four-color supers RPG from Imperfekt Gammes, is discounted to $0.99 for the rest of November!
Savage Quadrants: SWADE Trek in the Dominion War
5 October 2019 | 13:37 | Savage Worlds | No CommentsGiven my love for Star Trek gaming, it’s only natural once I bought a copy of Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition that I’d start planning a Trek game. Here are my notes so far. I should note I’m following in the footsteps of this site: The ships were built using the great tools at this […]
Cosmic Cutthroats Playtest
12 May 2019 | 9:17 | Invulnerable RPG | No CommentsOver on the Cosmic Cutthroats Blog, I post that the Cosmic Cutthroats playtest is now available, in PDF and at-cost print! Cosmic Cutthroats is a multi-genre, dimension travel RPG. Its task resolution system is a variant on the system used in Metagene, and the system has some similarities to Invulnerable, also. You can find a […]
Quick and Easy NPCs for Runequest Glorantha
12 May 2019 | 6:36 | Old School Gaming, Runequest Glorantha | No CommentsRunequest Glorantha is out, and it’s the most beautiful RPG book I’ve ever seen! I con’ believe I’ve never gotten into Runequest before now. I’ve always been aware of it, even had a copy of Legend and Mongoose Runequest for awhile. I liked MRQ okay, but it didn’t compel me like RQG does. Making […]
Metagene RPG Released!
1 December 2018 | 11:39 | Earth-Omega Setting, Metagene RPG | No CommentsAt long last, the Metagene Super Hero RPG is out of playtest and officially released! Metagene is a fast-playing, rules-light roleplaying game of heroes and villains! With random and point-based character creation, rules for investigation and combat, and a built-in setting, Metagene has everything you need to leap right into the action! Metegene uses the […]
Inspirational Images for Uru Ulan
21 April 2018 | 23:32 | Uru Ulan Setting | No CommentsA look at the city from the outside. The “city” is actually a series of colonies built on rocks around Saturn, in some alternate world far in the future. Some regions of the city are rich in magic, others contain incredible technology, and a few have both. Image credit Vlad Marica The city was […]
The Cosmic Vault, an Endless Dungeon for Uru Ulan
15 April 2018 | 7:43 | Uru Ulan Setting | No CommentsPrevious posts about Uru Ulan First post about the Transdimensional City: Dimension Generation Tables (for any game, but specifically for Invulnerable RPG): Uru Ulan tag: The Ylem and the Pleroma In the highest dimension there is endless chaos, full of unrealized possibilities. Here and there, there are Cosmoses, universes, floating like bubbles. Together, […]
Mecha for Strands of Fate: The Paladin-class Convertible Jet Mecha
7 April 2018 | 10:55 | NPF, Strands of Fate | No CommentsYears ago, I ran a mecha anime campaign in Mekton Zeta called Neo Protectors Fleet, and it turned out to be one of my players’ favorite games ever. It was basically a pastiche of Robotech and Macross 2: Lovers Again, with heavy influences from Star Trek, Dune, and Lensman. One of our players has passed on, […]
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