Robots are artificial beings constructed by advanced civilizations to do work judged too boring or too dangerous for fleshthings. Robots sometimes find their way to low-tech, high-magic worlds when their alien ships crash, while others wander in through portals. Others are leftover artifacts of some lost, ancient, high-tech civilization from millennia ago. Most robots are […]
Archive for the 'Races' Category
Robot Race for D&D 5E
16 August 2014 |
8:43 |
D&D 5E RPG, Races, Stats |
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Minor Race Packages for Invulnerable
5 April 2014 |
9:57 |
Earth-Omega Setting, Invulnerable RPG, Races, Stats |
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The standard Invulnerable rules assume that the aliens we care most about are the ones with superhuman powers; the kind of powers that make them full-on heroes. But what about settings where aliens are nothing special, and many aren’t particularly powerful? Races with an abundance of “minor races”? This is where Race Packages are useful. […]
The standard Invulnerable rules assume that the aliens we care most about are the ones with superhuman powers; the kind of powers that make them full-on heroes. But what about settings where aliens are nothing special, and many aren’t particularly powerful? Races with an abundance of “minor races”? This is where Race Packages are useful. […]